Statement: Mark Green's Army Secretary Nomination was an Affront to American Values
Win Without War Director Stephen Miles released the following statement upon Mark Green’s withdrawal as President Trump’s nominee to be the next Secretary of the Army:
“Mark Green’s nomination was an affront to American values, and we strongly encourage President Trump to understand that hate has no place at the head the U.S. Army. The U.S. Army contains men and women of all faiths, races, and sexual orientations, and they should not be led by anyone who refuses to celebrate and protect that diversity.
“Tens of thousands of activists from across issue spectrums — including more than 56,000 Win Without War members who signed our petition — united in opposition to Mark Green’s nomination because of his extremist, anti-immigrant, homophobic, and Islamophobic views. These positions were so abhorrent that his confirmation was clearly destined for rejection thanks to bipartisan opposition in the Senate.
“As President Trump tries a third time to nominate an acceptable Secretary of the Army, we will continue to hold the Administration accountable, demanding nominees who respect and honor the values that already make our country great.”