Win Without War statement on the Trump administration’s plan to slash the amount of refugees admitted to the United States

Win Without War Director Stephen Miles released the following statement responding to the Trump administration’s new plan to slash the amount of refugees the United States admits yearly.
It is unconscionable that President Trump would cap refugee admissions into the United States at just 45,000 per year — the lowest since limits were set in 1980 — at a time when humanitarian and refugee crises around the globe are at their worst since the end of World War II.
During his last year in office, President Obama raised the limit to 110,000 — a number that still did not adequately meet the need during this time of unprecedented forced migration worldwide. But it is simply heartless, unethical, and un-American to reduce that cap by more than half, as President Trump wants to do.
The United States should be a beacon for those who yearn to be free from war, tyranny, oppression, and economic and social injustices, regardless of race, gender, religion or national identity. If anything, the United States should be increasing the number of refugees it takes in, particularly seeing that many have been displaced as the result of American militarism around the world.
We will make every effort to fight against President Trump’s appalling refugee policy, and we’ll work tirelessly toward pushing the Congress and this administration toward implementing one that’s more fair, just, and compassionate.