Win Without War: Senate Rebukes Trump, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE on Yemen

Wednesday, November 28, 2018
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Director Stephen Miles released the following statement responding to the Senate vote to end the U.S. role in the war in Yemen:
“Today, the United States Senate sent a clear, bipartisan message to Donald Trump, and the world, that the U.S must no longer participate in the Saudi-UAE coalition’s disastrous war in Yemen.
“The war has sent Yemen into a tailspin, killing tens of thousands, leaving millions displaced, and putting the country on the brink of famine and economic collapse. A large bipartisan majority of 63 Senators voted today to advance legislation to finally end the U.S. role in their suffering, a result that represents an unmistakable rebuke to Donald Trump and his policy of blind support for Saudi Arabia, particularly in the wake of the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
“The vote also reflects the will of the American people. Polls show that bipartisan majorities support ending the United States’ participation in fueling this conflict. Activists from our own organization, Win Without War, took more than 200,000 actions calling on their representatives to end the war.
“We also cannot overlook that with this vote, Congress has at long last begun to reassert its sole constitutional responsibility to decide when and where our nation goes to war.
“For far too long our political leaders have sat by silently while the blood of innocent Yemenis drenched our nation’s hands. Today’s historic vote is a welcome first step towards righting that wrong, but it must not be the last.
“We are also incredibly grateful to Senators Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee, Chris Murphy, and the growing list of cosponsors for their longstanding and determined leadership on this issue.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in America.