Win Without War Statement on the Revised Muslim Ban
Monday, March 6, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC – Win Without War released the statement in response to the White House’s second executive order banning citizens from majority Muslim nations:
President Trump’s second attempt via executive order to ban Muslims from entering the United States is just as un-American as the first, and it will only serve to undermine U.S. national security.
Reportedly, the revised order excludes Iraq from the list of seven Muslim-majority countries originally banned, Syrian refugees are now no longer barred indefinitely, and green card and other visa holders will not be affected.
While these changes demonstrate that the Trump White House has recognized its incompetence in drafting its original order, they do nothing to negate the un-American and unnecessary nature of this discriminatory order. This order flies in the face of American values, while ignoring simple facts of America’s immigration policy and national security.
The new order continues to ban men, women, and children from 6 majority-muslim countries — Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Libya — despite the fact that Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security reported in recent weeks that “country of citizenship is unlikely to be a reliable indicator of potential terrorist activity.” The order also fails to address the concerns of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which explicitly rejected the Trump administration’s plea to reinstate the original ban on security grounds.
Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, halting refugee admissions to the United States — a provision the new order maintains — is not who we are. This clear attempt to exclude Muslims from entering our country undermines core American values, opens the door to further discrimination against Muslim-Americans here at home, and provides a recruitment tool for terrorists around the world who seek conflict with the United States and its allies justified on religious grounds.
Additionally, this new order, just like the original, seeks to address a problem that does not exist, given the vigorous refugee screening process already in place. U.S counterterror policies are more effective when they are evidenced-based and rooted in American values, versus relying on discriminatory broad brush profiles of race, religion, and nationality.
America’s security has only ever been weakened by dividing our country and turning our back on those in need. We strongly urge members of Congress to immediately denounce these executive orders and to take whatever means necessary to prevent their implementation. Win Without War’s members will also continue to oppose this hateful and counterproductive proposal and to demand that our elected officials and courts defend the Constitution and strike down this Muslim Ban.
For further comment or questions, please contact Stephen Miles, Win Without War’s Director, at [email protected] or 504-289-3594, or Ben Armbruster, Communications Director of the Global Progressive Hub, at [email protected] or 202-247-7133.