Proposals to drag the U.S. back into war

Over the past several weeks, Members of Congress have proposed new authorizations for the use of military force (AUMF) against ISIS. These dangerous bills would drag the U.S. back into another war in the Middle East.

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), H.R.5415

To authorize the use of force against any international terrorist group. The proposal has no expiration date, geographic limitation, or reporting requirement.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), H.J.Res.123

To authorize force against ISIS for 120 days. The proposal would repeal the 2002 AUMF and requires the President to submit a plan of action within 60 days.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), S.J.Res.43

To authorize force against ISIS or successor organizations and help the government of Iraq expel ISIS from their territory. The proposal has no expiration date but does require the White House to report on its progress.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), S.J.Res.42

To authorize force against ISIS to prevent terrorist attacks against the U.S. The proposal would expire three years after its enactment, and states that there could be no rotational ground forces.