Support Lee-Jones-McGovern Amendment to End Afghanistan War

Today, Win Without War signed onto the following letter to Congress.

June 18, 2014

Dear Member of Congress:

We urge an aye vote on the Lee (D-CA)-Jones (R-NC)-McGovern (D-MA) bipartisan amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill. The amendment would end American troop and defense contractor involvement in military operations in Afghanistan after the end of 2014.

The President’s decision to wind down the war slowly for another two and a half years and retain 9,800 after December 31 is like taking off a bandaid all too slowly and painfully. Having lasted nearly 13 years, the U.S. war in Afghanistan is the longest war in American history, and there is no reason for it to drag on for another two years. 

The costs of the war in Afghanistan over the past 13 years are staggering and will only grow if the fighting continues. The war has cost taxpayers over $750 billion, promises to cost tens of billions more every year our Americans remain in Afghanistan and would amount to well over one trillion dollars when interest payments are taken into account.

The human costs of the war are even more tragic. While nearly 20,000 Americans have been wounded, 2,321 men and women in uniform paid the ultimate sacrifice. For the people of Afghanistan, the costs have been even higher with at least 30,000 civilians having been killed since 2001.

The American people have made their opinion clear. They want to bring our troops home – all of them – now. The Lee-Jones-McGovern amendment provides the opportunity for Congress to do just that.

Please vote yes.


Carolyn Rusti Eisenberg  
United for Peace and Justice

Michael Eisenscher
U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW)

Jenefer Ellingston
Delegate to National Green Party 

Jodie Evans

Mark Harrison
United Methodist General Board of Church and Society

John Isaacs
Council for a Livable World

Aura Kanegis
American Friends Service Committee

Marylia Kelley
Tri-Valley CAREs, Livermore, CA

Stephen Miles
Win Without War

Paul Kawika Martin
Peace Action 

Robert K. Musil
The Rachel Carson Council 

Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy

Jon Rainwater
Peace Action West 

Diane Randall
Friends Committee on National Legislation 

Susan Shaer
Women’s Action for New Directions

Guy Stevens

Paul Walker
Green Cross International