House Vote Shows Growing Opposition to the War in Afghanistan
As the President continues to debate the size of a troop drawdown from Afghanistan, Congress has just shown its strongest support yet for what the President promised in December of 2009, an ‘accelerated transition’ out of Afghanistan beginning in July. Today’s vote on Representative McGovern’s amendment to the Defense Authorization bill shows that Congress is catching up to the American people, who overwhelmingly support bringing our troops home now.
Earlier today, the House of Representatives narrowly failed to pass a bipartisan amendment calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan sponsored by Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC). The amendment was offered as part of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2012. The 204 votes in favor of the McGovern-Jones Amendment demonstrate strong and growing Congressional opposition to the war in Afghanistan.
Below are two stories on the vote and the growing Congressional opposition to the war.
From The Hill: House narrowly rejects amendment to speed up Afghanistan withdrawal
From Politico:26 Republicans join Democrats on Afghan withdrawal vote