400,000 Americans Support the Iran Deal

Congressional Progressive Caucus members spoke in favor of the deal and accepted petition signatures from progressive organizations
July 29, 2015 – Progressive organizations delivered 442,652 petition signatures to Congress today in support of the Iran nuclear deal. The signatures were delivered to Democratic leaders in both chambers immediately following a press event on the House Triangle of the U.S. Capitol Building. The petition signatures were emailed to every member of Congress before the event.

The petition signatures were collected by dozens of progressive groups at StopWarWithIran.com and through other petitions. Activists have also made more than 71,000 phone calls to Democrats in Congress through the StopWarWithIran.com website and other websites since the deal was announced.

At the press event, members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, including Keith Ellison, Barbara Lee, Mark Pocan and Jan Schakowsky, voiced their support for the Iran nuclear deal.

Photos from the event are available here.

To schedule a phone interview with Murshed Zaheed, Deputy Political Director at CREDO, please contact [email protected]. To schedule a phone interview with Ben Wikler, Washington Director at MoveOn.org Civic Action, please contact [email protected].

The petition signatures were collected since the announcement of the Iran nuclear deal by a broad coalition of progressive groups, including CREDO, MoveOn.org Civic Action, Win Without War, Campaign for America’s Future, Daily Kos, Democracy for America, Demand Progress, USAction, Peace Action, Peace Action West, The Nation, United for Peace and Justice, Progressive Democrats of America, CODEPINK, Council for a Liveable World, Just Foreign Policy, Left Action, NIAC Action, The Other 98%, RH Reality Check, RootsAction, Women’s Action for New Directions, and Watchdog.net.


Posted by Angela Miller.