At Win Without War, we are examining how we as an organization can continue to make a positive impact in the face of Trump’s disastrous domestic and foreign policies and the coronavirus pandemic. This crisis is truly different than any other we have faced together. But face it we will.
We also feel a responsibility to do what we can as individuals to help “flatten the curve.” In early March we began taking precautionary measures, like encouraging and supporting staff to work from home, in order to minimize the spread of the virus, particularly on vulnerable people in our lives and those we may inadvertently come into contact with. We encourage you to join us in that effort, if it is feasible.
As part of that work, we’ve put together, and will continue to update, the following list of resources to ground our work and vision in facts. We hope you find it useful.
Policy Messaging & Guidance
- Coronavirus & U.S. Foreign Policy (Win Without War): The greatest human security challenges of the 21st century — climate crisis, global inequality, and yes, pandemics — don’t have military solutions
- A Weak System Under Attack: Coronavirus exploits our nation’s chronic disinvestment in working families (Progressive Action Caucus Fund): Unless we act to provide basic support for our health care system and working families, the coronavirus and any future public health crisis will infect far more people and do far greater damage to families’ finances and the economy than they otherwise would.
- What if You Can’t Stay Home? (Street Sheet): Recommendations to support the health of people experiencing homelessness during the coronavirus.
- Don’t Spread Coronavirus Lies (The Cut): There is another type of good behavior we can all implement right away to protect each other: Do not spread coronavirus lies.
Solidarity and Justice Resources
- Samantha Bee: ‘Coronavirus Is Not an Excuse to Be Racist’ (Rolling Stone): “Tying coronavirus to China and Chinese people isn’t just a racist dog whistle, it’s a whole racist orchestra.”
- Coronavirus: Wisdom from a social justice lens (Healing Justice): This virtual gathering centered the wisdom and life experiences of people who live with chronic illnesses and disability.
- Community Building During the Coronavirus (Indivisible): We need to be intentional about safety precautions and double down on community building.
- Coronavirus Comic for Kids (Culture Strike): How you can still pick your nose without spreading germs.
- Protect Your Mental Health While Practicing Social Distancing (Sojourners): Most people battling depression already feel isolated.
- Five Ways You Can Engage in Mutual Aid Now! (Agency): The beauty of mutual aid is that we can practice it in so many ways, in so many different and vital aspects of our lives. Here are five areas of everyday life where we practice mutual aid all the time – whether we know it or not.
Organizations and Data
- World Health Organization: Daily updates, Information, and guidance regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
- Centers for Disease Control: CDC’s response to the novel coronavirus outbreak.
And because all of the above is a lot, we hope this whole bunch of cat gifs will make you smile (because they’re cats, being funny, on the internet).