Win Without War Statement on Framework of Iran Nuclear Agreement

April 2, 2015
Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director
(504) 289-3594, [email protected]

Washington, DC- The Win Without War coalition today announced a national campaign to support President Obama and the historic framework for a comprehensive agreement that has been announced between the so-called P5+1 and Iran.  This campaign’s goal is to defeat the vigorous efforts of opponents to sabotage diplomacy and the emerging nuclear agreement before it can be finalized at the negotiating table.
Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director, said of the announcement:

“We congratulate President Obama and Secretary Kerry for this historic breakthrough. Today’s framework took hard work, perseverance, and courage. It paves the way for a final, comprehensive agreement that will keep Iran’s nuclear program locked in a box and under a microscope. Now, the greatest threat to a comprehensive deal is the U.S. Congress. It is time for Members of Congress to take a strong stand for peace and a nuclear weapon-free Iran by defeating those who are opposed to this – or any deal with Iran – and their campaign to sabotage diplomacy in the halls of Congress.

The Win Without War coalition is ready to help. Today, we are launching a campaign to support diplomacy and to win without war with Iran. Our coalition members and their millions of activists will be asking Congress to choose diplomacy, not war. We have launched a new website – – to serve as a one-stop shop for resources about the Iran nuclear negotiations. And we will be supporting these initiatives with paid advertising and other efforts.

We – and the vast majority of the American people – stand with President Obama in the knowledge that a nuclear weapon-free Iran will be forged with diplomacy, not war. We demand that Congress take yes for an answer, stand with the President, and win without war with Iran.

The alternative is untenable and unthinkable – another disastrous war of choice in Middle East. If Congress is successful in sabotaging this framework agreement, it will mean an unconstrained Iranian nuclear program, the loss of international inspectors, and a dramatically increased risk of war. When viewed against these dangerous alternatives, only a fool would choose to sabotage peace. Indeed, those who oppose this historic opportunity offer no viable alternative.
At a time when much of the Middle East is engulfed in war, the United States is on the verge of achieving one of our most pressing national security goals without dropping a single bomb. Today’s progress towards a comprehensive, historic agreement between Iran, the United States, and our P5+1 partners not only ensures that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon, but it demonstrates precisely how America can win without war.”


Win Without War is a coalition of national organizations with diverse constituencies originally founded in opposition to the Iraq War. The coalition remains active in opposition to the continued U.S. war in Afghanistan, the dangerous rush to war with Iran, and the underlying national security strategy on which these conflicts are based. We seek a fundamentally new approach to meet the national security challenges of the United States that is consistent with our nation’s highest values.

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