Statement: Overturning Roe Leaves Millions at Risk and Brings a Failed and Broken Foreign Policy Home

WASHINGTON — Win Without War Digital Campaigns Director Shayna Lewis released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe:
“This morning’s Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will immediately, and unnecessarily, put the lives of tens of millions of people at risk.
“The decision in Dobbs v. Jackson all but ensures that access to a safe and necessary medical procedure will be determined based on income and geography. This disparity is utterly unacceptable.
‘What’s more, concurring opinions like the one issued by Justice Thomas open the door to a further encroachment on critical civil liberties including the right to contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. This ruling is likely to give license to horrific forms of oppression of pregnant people and will disproportionately impact women, Black and brown people, undocumented individuals, LGBTQ individuals, those with low incomes or living in poverty, people in rural areas, and so many others.
“We fundamentally believe that everyone deserves to live their lives with dignity. People in the United States, indeed, people all over the world, deserve better than the decision issued today.
“Right now, a clear majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Those voices are silenced by this opinion, which reinforces the reality that U.S. foreign policy and domestic policy alike have, for too long, been made by an unaccountable, out of touch and largely white, largely male, elite minority — at the expense of the human rights of everyday people.
“This ruling is a distressing development that should put people everywhere on notice that we must do more to defend and advance basic human rights, but it’s sadly nothing new. U.S. regulations like the Mexico City Policy (global gag rule), and the Helms amendments have long infringed upon the rights of millions to access reproductive healthcare and live with dignity worldwide. Today’s decision brings our domestic policy more clearly in line with an undemocratic foreign policy that prioritizes profit and power over the preferences and needs of the people, whether here or abroad.
“We remain committed to repairing our broken and corrupt system, so that all of us can live in dignity with the freedom and autonomy we are entitled to.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.