Win Without War Coalition Statement on Syria
Click here to call your Member of Congress using a great tool from our coalition member, CREDO Action.
The Win Without War Coalition has issued the following statement on Syria:
The Win Without War coalition is strongly opposed to American military intervention in Syria and urges Congress to reject any proposed authorization for the use of military force.
The use of chemical weapons is abhorrent. However, we urge our leaders to pursue a response to the apparent use of these weapons in Syria that rejects the false choice between bombing and impunity.
We agree with US military leaders who assert that only a political solution will end the suffering of the Syrian people and urge all parties to pursue such a settlement.
TAKE ACTION: Call your Representatives TODAY and urge them to vote against any authorization of military force in Syria.
Call the United States Capitol switchboard toll-free at 1-855-686-6927. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the House or Senate office you request.
What you can say:
- I oppose U.S. military action in Syria.
- Military action will not stop the killing in Syria or bring those responsible for the use of chemical weapons to justice. Diplomatic engagement with all regional stakeholders is what is called for right now.
- Diplomatic engagement with all regional stakeholders is what is called for right now.
- The U.S. shouldn’t respond alone to the use of chemical weapons. Our country should work through the U.N. and the International Criminal Court.
- I’d like to hear what the member’s position is on authorizing military force against Syria. I’d also like to know there are any local public events happening where I could express my views to the member directly