WAND Supports Extension of Iran Nuclear Negotiations
By Susan Shaer, Executive Director, and Erica Fein, Nuclear Weapons Policy Officer
“On July 18, 2014, key world powers and Iran agreed to extend by four months negotiations over an accord that will ensure that Iran’s nuclear program cannot be used to build a nuclear bomb. WAND supports this extension.
“Six months ago, the clock began on an historic deal between Iran and the P5+1 (U.S., UK, Russia, China, France, and Germany). Since then, Iran has rolled back and frozen much of its program, international inspectors have maintained access to Iran’s sensitive facilities, and the United States has eased some nuclear-related sanctions.
“After decades of hostility between Iran and the West, the first step agreement and nuclear negotiations have been welcome developments. While the initial six-month deadline to reach a comprehensive agreement was a laudable goal, it was also an arbitrary time frame. All parties to these talks understand the implications of getting them wrong – without diplomacy, a path to war becomes much more likely. Given this, WAND strongly supports the extra time to iron out the final, difficult details of the negotiations.
“We urge Congress to support the extension and refrain from interfering in ways that would undermine U.S. negotiators.
“WAND agrees with the majority of Americans on this issue: Let Diplomacy Work.”