WAND: Special Statement on Iraq

Win Without War coalition member Women’s Action for New Directions published the following special statement:

“Not another war. Have we learned nothing?” stated WAND Executive Director, Susan Shaer.  “Let’s not use history to do the blame game. But history does inform us that military actions inflame war. They don’t solve crises. They don’t make us safer.”

Please take action now to tell the President:  No military intervention.  Call the White House comment line at 202 456-1111.


  • More arms and equipment will only pour oil on the fire.
  • Bombing will require attacking cities, causing citizens deaths.
  • A diplomatic solution may not be possible, but it is worth trying.
  • This is not just about Iraq; it is a regional fight involving Syria and Lebanon, with influences from other stakeholders in the region.
  • This is a matter for the United Nations and a global response.
  • WAND will continue to keep you updated on what you can do.  Not another war.