Win Without War Statement on the removal of Steve Bannon from the National Security Council

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Director Stephen Miles issued the following statement following reports that Chief White House Strategist Stephen K. Bannon is no longer a member of the National Security Council principals committee:
Steve Bannon’s removal from the National Security Council will not only make America safer, but it’s also a victory for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who took action and said a white nationalist, warmongering, political operative with no credentials shouldn’t be anywhere near the epicenter of U.S. national security and foreign policy making.
President Trump put politics before our nation’s security by elevating Bannon to this position. Bannon was a key architect of Trump’s illegal Muslim ban and from his perch at the NSC, he would have been able to continue to turn his dangerous ideology — which includes the belief that the U.S. will soon be engaged in a “brutal and bloody” clash of civilizations  — into reality. 
While Bannon should never have been a member of the NSC to begin with, his ongoing presence in the White House endangers the United States and its allies. We, along with the American people, will continue to monitor Bannon and pressure every power center to ensure that he can no longer influence U.S. policy, foreign or domestic.