Social Media Toolkit: Statement of Principles on US-DPRK diplomacy

Table of Contents
Sample Twitter Posts
Sample Facebook Posts
Statement of Principles link
Graphics links (visuals below)
Statement Endorsers (with Twitter handles if they have)
Graphics visuals
Sample Twitter Posts
- Next week is the #VietnamSummit between the U.S. and North Korea. We have a historic opportunity to advance the twin goals of denuclearization & lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. We urge Congress to commit to these principles for diplomacy! [Tag some of endorsing organizations here — see full list below]
- 45 organizations stand united for diplomacy and dialogue on the Korean Peninsula. We call on Congress to support these principles ahead of the #VietnamSummit and commit to working towards a lasting peace with #NorthKorea! [Tag some of endorsing organizations here — see full list below]
- ☮️ Proud to stand together with @WinWithoutWar, @WomenCrossDMZ, @MoveOn, @CREDOMobile, @CAPSecurity and 40 other organizations to support diplomacy and the advancement of a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. Read our statement here. #VietnamSummit
- To achieve a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, we need a reciprocal, action-for-action peace process ? So, along with 44 other national organizations, we ask Congress to commit to these principles for diplomacy with #NorthKorea:
✅ A process with reciprocal actions
✅ South Korea’s efforts to improve inter-Korean relations
✅ Targeted sanctions relief
✅ Including civil society
? An unprovoked U.S. military attack
We support these principles for U.S-North Korea policy:
Sample Facebook Posts
- Next week, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un meet for their second summit on US-North Korea relations. We have before us a historic opportunity to advance the twin goals of denuclearization and a lasting peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Alongside 44 other organizations, we urge Congress support diplomacy with North Korea based on these principles!
- 45 organizations stand united for diplomacy with North Korea and for a U.S.-North Korean foreign policy based upon these principles. We ask Congress to stand with us in advance of the U.S.-DPRK Summit in Vietnam next week.
- We are proud to stand together with Win Without War, Women Cross DMZ,, CREDO, Peace Action, and 40 other organizations in support of these principles for advancing a peace process with North Korea ahead of next week’s U.S.-DPRK summit in Vietnam. Read our statement here.
Statement of Principles link
Graphics links (visuals below):
Statement Endorsers and Twitter Handles
About Face @VetsAboutFace
Arms Control Association @ArmsControlNow
Beyond the Bomb @BeyondtheBomb
Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security
Center for American Progress @CAPSecurity
Center for International Policy @CIPonline
CODEPINK @codepink
Council for a Livable World @Livableworld
Daily Kos @dailykos
Dominican Sisters of Peace @PeaceDominicans
Foreign Policy for America @FP4America
Franciscan Action Network @franciscannet
Friends Committee on National Legislation @FCNL
Good Friends USA
Indivisible @IndivisibleTeam
Institute for Policy Studies, New Internationalism Project
Just Foreign Policy @justfp
Korean American National Coordinating Council, Inc.
Korean Americans in Action
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office @mccwashington
Military Families Speak Out
MoveOn @MoveOn
National Association of Korean Americans
Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability @Nautilus_Inst
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation @napf
Nuclear Crisis Group @NuclearCrisisGr
Pax Christi International @PaxChristi
Peace Action @PeaceAction
Peace Committee of the Korean Association of the United Methodist Church
Physicians for Social Responsibility @PSRnuclear
Ploughshares Fund @plough_shares
Presbyterian Church (USA)@Presbyterian @Roots_Action
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United for Peace and Justice @UnitedForPeace
VoteVets @votevets
War Prevention Initiative @WarPrevention
Win Without War @WinWithoutWar
Women Cross DMZ @WomenCrossDMZ
Women’s Action for New Directions @WomensAction
Graphic visuals (right click to download):